#107 23:01:24 10.07.2017Taras HideReplyRemove This is rightful German clay. Not Polish. Answers:>>113
#113 00:10:44 11.07.2017Taras HideReplyRemove Open in new window >>107 Deutschland is cucked by muslim-LGBT Answers:>>114
#114 00:14:24 11.07.2017Taras HideReplyRemove >>113 Maybe you need some alternative fur Deutschland? I'm not agitate for that party but Merkel is kill and you know that perfectly. Answers:>>115
#115 00:45:43 11.07.2017Taras HideReplyRemove >>114 we need antirussian leader, not cucked whore like Le Pen. Merkel will balcanize russia, who will make this better? Answers:>>116